
We can use the base plot functions in R to create a plot of the pmf for a Poisson random variable \(X\) with \(\lambda = 4.8\) — i.e. \(X\ \tilde \ \mbox{Pois}(4.8)\).

  lambda <- 4.8
  x <- -1:14
  pmf <- dpois(x, lambda)
  plot(x, pmf, type="h", xlab="x", ylab="p = P(X=x)", main="X~Pois(4.8)", ylim=c(0, 0.25), xaxt="n")
  text(x, pmf+0.005, round(pmf, digits=4), cex=0.6)
  abline(v=lambda, col="blue")


The CDF may be plotted analogously.

  x <- -1:15
  cdf <- ppois(x, lambda)
  plot(x, cdf, type="s", xlab="x", ylab="P(X<=c)", main="X~Pois(4.8)", xaxt="n")
  axis(1, at=seq(0,14,by=2))
  abline(h=0.5, col="yellow")
  abline(v=qpois(0.5,lambda), col="yellow")

Just for fun we can overlay the two.

    pmf <- dpois(x, lambda)
  plot(x, pmf, type="h", xlab="x", ylab="p", main="X~Pois(4.8)", ylim=c(0, 1), xaxt="n", col="red", lty=3)
    lines(x, cdf, type="s", xlab="x", ylab="P(X<=c)", main="X~Pois(4.8)", xaxt="n")

Now look for the median.

##     x          pmf         cdf       invcdf
## 1  -1 0.0000000000 0.000000000 1.000000e+00
## 2   0 0.0082297470 0.008229747 9.917703e-01
## 3   1 0.0395027858 0.047732533 9.522675e-01
## 4   2 0.0948066860 0.142539219 8.574608e-01
## 5   3 0.1516906976 0.294229916 7.057701e-01
## 6   4 0.1820288371 0.476258754 5.237412e-01
## 7   5 0.1747476836 0.651006437 3.489936e-01
## 8   6 0.1397981469 0.790804584 2.091954e-01
## 9   7 0.0958615865 0.886666171 1.133338e-01
## 10  8 0.0575169519 0.944183123 5.581688e-02
## 11  9 0.0306757077 0.974858830 2.514117e-02
## 12 10 0.0147243397 0.989583170 1.041683e-02
## 13 11 0.0064251664 0.996008336 3.991664e-03
## 14 12 0.0025700666 0.998578403 1.421597e-03
## 15 13 0.0009489477 0.999527350 4.726495e-04
## 16 14 0.0003253535 0.999852704 1.472960e-04
## 17 15 0.0001041131 0.999956817 4.318292e-05
  plot(x,cdf,type="s", xlab="x", ylab="P(X<=c)", main="X~B(13, 0.6)", xaxt="n")
  lines(x,1-cdf,type="s", xlab="x", xaxt="n")
  abline(h=0.5, col="red", lty=2)

Poisson Approximation to the Binomial

We now look at how well the Poisson approximates the binomial.

  n <- 100
  p <- 0.01
  x <- 0:3
  pois.pmf <- dpois(x, n*p)
  pois.cdf <- ppois(x, n*p)
  binom.pmf <- dbinom(x, n, p)
  binom.cdf <- pbinom(x, n, p)
  data.frame(pois.pmf, pois.cdf, binom.pmf, binom.cdf)
##     pois.pmf  pois.cdf  binom.pmf binom.cdf
## 1 0.36787944 0.3678794 0.36603234 0.3660323
## 2 0.36787944 0.7357589 0.36972964 0.7357620
## 3 0.18393972 0.9196986 0.18486482 0.9206268
## 4 0.06131324 0.9810118 0.06099917 0.9816260

Typhoid Example

We let R plot the values that we computed in class.

  x <- 0:25
  pmf.24 <- dpois(x, 2.4)
  pmf.48 <- dpois(x, 4.8)
  pmf.96 <- dpois(x, 9.6)
  plot(x, pmf.24, pch=1, col=1, xlab="x", ylab="p")
  points(x, pmf.48, pch=2, col=2)
  points(x, pmf.96, pch=3, col=3)
  abline(v = c(2.4, 4.8, 9.6), col=1:3, lty=2)